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Benjamin Briscoe – the story continues

Part two of the intriguing story of the forgotten ‘father’ of the American automobile industry.

FOR astute businessmen like Benjamin Briscoe the fledgling automobile industry represented unprecedented opportunity in the opening years of the 20th century.

Briscoe’s automotive ventures started with the manufacture of components for Ransom E. Olds, a project that led to a fortuitous meeting with Jonathan Maxwell, a talented mechanical engineer. This endeavor ignited a desire to own an automobile manufacturing company.

In the meantime, David Buick again turned to Briscoe as he had exhausted the funds derived from the sale of his plumbing supply company. Briscoe agreed to lend an additional $1500 provided the company would be reorganized with debts secured by the issuance of stock, backed by David Buick’s intellectual property. As per the agreement, if Briscoe were not paid back in 12 months, or bought out, he would become the sole owner of the Buick Motor Company.

Concerned about his investment Briscoe asked Jonathan Maxell to evaluate Buick’s innovative “valve-in-head” stationary engine that was being modified for automotive use. That engine would eventually become the cornerstone of the company’s success, but after Maxwell’s evaluation Briscoe decided to divest himself of association with Buick. As it was a sellers’ market for automotive companies Briscoe quickly negotiated the sale of his interest in the Buick Motor Company to the owners of Flint Wagon Works. One of those men was William Durant. 

By the summer of 1903 Briscoe had fully committed to development of Maxwell’s automotive project. In the closing months of the year Maxwell-Briscoe Company was organised with a major investment from financier J. P. Morgan. The company was launched in Tarrytown, New York after the lease for the moribund Mobile Steamer factory was successfully negotiated.

By 1904 the company was prepared to begin the manufacture and marketing of Maxwell’s car that featured a two-cylinder water cooled engine mounted in front under a hood, a honeycomb radiator, a two-speed planetary gear set, shaft drive and right hand steering. At $750 for the two-passenger “tourabout” the car was well received.

Ten cars were produced and sold in 1904. The following year 825 cars rolled from the factory. With the introduction of a four-cylinder model in 1906, as well as a Dr. Maxwell runabout designed to meet the grueling needs of country doctors and a five-passenger touring car, sales soared. In 1907 nearly 4000 cars were manufactured, and soon production was nearing 10,000 cars annually.

As Briscoe focused on expansion that included establishment of additional manufacturing facilities in Indiana and Rhode Island, and the creation of a dealer network as well an export department, Maxwell concentrated on development. A weak link in the company’s development and growth was marketing. That problem was resolved in a rather spectacular way when Cadwallader Washburn Kelsey joined the company.

Kelsey was an ambitious and talented young man. At age 17 in 1897, he built a car. It never ran but it reflected his interests and skills. His second endeavor built the following year was driven to classes at Harvard. The third endeavor was more conventional in that it had four wheels rather than three. In 1902, with money provided by his father, he established an Autocar dealership and garage. Within six months he had also secured rights for the sale of Locomobile. Then in 1906 he wrote a letter to Maxwell-Briscoe requesting approval as the Maxwell dealer in Philadelphia.

The franchise was negotiated directly with Briscoe and after paying the $5000 fee, Kelsey established a showroom and garage on Broad Street. Then he began marketing. He contracted with Lubin Film Studios to film stunts such as driving up the courthouse steps. These were shown in area Nickelodeon’s and the filmed auto commercial was born.

His stunts, and the occasional arrest of drivers, made headlines that Kelsey deftly transformed into sales. Briscoe and Maxwell soon took notice as Kelsey was selling more cars in Philadelphia that all the dealers in the United States combined. And so, they hired him as the Maxwell-Briscoe company sales manager, and by 1909 Maxwell was the third largest automobile manufacturer in the country.

Briscoe dreamed big. To counter dilution of the market that resulted from hundreds of manufacturers selling automobiles he initiated meetings to create a combine that could provide a vehicle for every market and every budget. In early 1908, Briscoe headed a conference at which he presented a detailed plan for the merger of Maxwell-Briscoe, Buick, Reo and Ford, the four largest US automakers, under the International Motor Car Company name. The ambitious project was stillborn when Henry Ford and Ransom E. Olds withdrew.

William Durant, however, recognized the merits of the proposal and with Buick as the cornerstone established a new corporation, General Motors. The company was incorporated on September 16, 1908. Within two weeks of the founding he had issued $12 million in stock and purchased Oldsmobile, Cadillac, and Oakland.

Undaunted Briscoe used Maxwell-Briscoe as the hinge pin for a new corporation, United States Motor Company. Immediately after incorporation he purchased Columbia, Alden-Sampson, the Dayton Motor Car Company, the Gray Motor Company, and Brush Runabout, which was owned in part by Frank Briscoe. The bidding war between Briscoe and Durant for the purchase of manufacturers and ancillary companies that produced auto parts would prove to be calamitous for both companies.

To be continued …