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Podholic: Clatter, clatter …diesel chatter

Some smutty big torque from the United States.

DIESEL pickups aren't rare in the United States, however far more are sold in petrol.

Even so, America is big enough to support a podcast dedicated mainly to tray decks that fuel on the dark side of the forecourt.

The Diesel Podcast publishes daily and is presented by a diehard Patrick Ellis. 

A show exploring the world of high-performance diesel tuning, the intricate technicalities of various diesel engines, and the loyal community of owners that support the industry is perhaps more for the absolute enthusiast at the coal face than casual listeners. 

While pleasant enough, you won’t find spontaneity or humour as the dialogue is kept in a formal, more technical format. Not that it’s a bad thing, but if you feel disengaged, you’ve been forewarned.

Structure-wise, the pod starts with a brief advert before quickly shifting gears into the meat of the content. Rather than skipping across many unrelated topics within each episode, Ellis keeps the conversation focused when interviewing mechanics, shop owners and industry guests.

Diesel owners will appreciate the in-depth insights into diesel engine reliability and tuning. It doesn’t shy away from emphasising that even well-maintained diesel engines can face significant risks if tuned improperly or fed subpar fuel - crucial for anyone looking to push their diesel engine beyond factory specs.

The podcast doesn’t just focus on gun-toting American pickup trucks—it occasionally ventures into diesel-powered car territory, too. BMW and their potent inline-six engines are quite a talking point, with suggestion that with correct modification, they can produce up to 740kW. Yikes! It’s rightly pointed out that anything tuned north of 450 kW is living in grenade territory.

Ultimately, this is a show for those deeply entrenched in the diesel world. It’s a no-frills, torque-driven exploration designed to educate and engage the dedicated diesel community.

The Diesel Podcast Homepage: